Curing urinating and soiling indoors, on pathways, on
bedding, on driveway, patios, and anywhere they shouldn't.
It is built into every dog's genes to do their business away from where they live and sleep, and away from food and water. So when a dog is messing indoors, he is like a bedwetting child - he is saying "help, I'm confused!"
Adult domestic dogs that are housetrained use their excreta as a way of attempting to draw attention to something that is confusing or stressing them.
Through curing behaviour problems in many thousands of homes over many years, a clear pattern has emerged. Once the confusion is removed, and the root of the dog's problem addressed, the indoor soiling automatically goes. Every time.
"Just thought I would give you a five month report back on my dogs - the three who who piddled inside ?? We have only had three puddles since I started your programme in February ! I am so thrilled with the results - you cannot believe how good it is to not have to lift my rugs every evening . They are all in all are much calmer, happier dogs. Please feel free to use me as a reference for anyone who doubts the possiblity of stopping bad behaviour with your original and natural techniques !!! The best investment I have ever made. Thank you!"
Pam does not teach theories,
repeat myths that others are repeating, or pass on the opinions of others who are passing on the opinions of others who have researched myths and others' opnions. No - she only teaches what has been proven to work over many years of hands on experience and stringent quality control tests:
Commands are one way communication and come from the army. Family members do not command each other - the sergeant major commands his troops. Dogs do not like being commanded any more than we like being ordered around. Yet,
commanding dogs is as entrenched into the very fabric of our society as behaviour problems are.
But... once the dog's perspective is considered, the “need” for commands drops away, and are replaced with far simpler and kinder (and politer!) techniques than giving orders to our best friend - which works immediately! Then the urge to retaliate - by messsing indoors, on patio's and paving, etc - automatically stops. Every time. This is because going to the bathroom" inappropriate places is our dog's only way of saying: "Help! I don't understand you!"
So why is everyone teaching us wrong then? Firstly, commands give the appearance of “results”, through instilling fear in the dog, which gives an
illusion of obedience. Second, everyone is repeating what everyone else is saying without actually checking to see if what they are teaching is
actually working in the long term!! They simply presume these myths are true because they hear them so often. And because conducting long-term quality control tests in thousands of dogs' homes in many countries over many years is a long and tedious process, and because dogs can't speak up, they get away with teaching theories as facts. But Pam has done research this for you.
Commands are actually verbal abuse. They both demean - and underestimate our pet dogs. If you told a person to sit, then stood over them, they
would feel threatened. Then if you gave them a piece of biltong or a sweetie for sitting, they would think you a bit of a twit. So we get into
these mutually-exploiting relationships with our dogs, where we demean them, and they exploit us. We think we made them obey us. They think
(know) they made us obey them. This is not a healthy relationship. But remember, a lot of people who teach us how to handle our dogs are
working with dogs because they do not have healthy social skills. So if they are in unhealthy relationships, they will think that dominating,
exploiting, bullying and bribing is O.K. Worse – is the right thing to do.
So when you command (or even tell) your dog to go outside, you are verbally abusing him! (Try that on a person and see if they don't retaliate in some way!!) So your dog comes back in - and
says his own twopence worth! He has opinions, and if he doesn't express them, he's brain dead. He is a highly intelligent, social creature, built for
relationships of mutual trust, respect, loyalty and affection. And verbal abuse both confuses and demeans. It is also also completely foreign to a dog's instincts and pack mentality. Put simply -
he hasn't a clue what we are on about. If our dog “obeys” - it is because he is overwhelmed by us or afraid of being punished, and it is neither kind nor common sense to lose our temper because someone doesn't understand us.
In the wild, the leader dog, or alpha, leads by example – he does not command his pack. Pam teaches you how to get your message across to your dog, and
to set parameters for him in a way that he understands right away so that he automatically knows the difference between
what is allowed, and what is not allowed. All dogs are designed to live according to a moral code, which explains why Dog Training Nature's Way never fails.
Anger outbursts, being firm, commanding and dominating dogs all cause our dogs to lose their trust in us, or to retaliate (after all, he has feelings too) or to cry for help in the only way that he knows. In the Language of the Pack.
The solution? Both Living with an Alien and the Natural Dog Training Home-Kit will cure this
behaviour problem in an amazingly short time. Kindly and easily - simply by making our dog no longer wish to soil indoors. All dogs want to be good - they only need to be understood!
Nature's way is always simple. And Nature knows best.
You won't get this information anywhere else.
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Curing Dogs that Refuse to be Housetrained from Messing inside and on Pavings and Patio's.
By Pam Whyte .
Many dogs that refuse to be potty-trained are using their excreta in order to try and draw attention to something that is either confusing them, or is stressing them. So why would our best friend be confused and stressed when we love him so much, and take the trouble to discipline him properly?
This is why…. Dogs do not speak English (or any Humanlish for that matter) so it is actually extremely common for dogs to be confused when we (mere humans) think they are being disobedient – and that includes those in the dog behavior professions - most of whom are also trying to impose human logic onto dogs, instead of seeing the dog’s viewpoint. Which is not the same as ours.
Because we have been living with dogs for so long, we simply take it for granted that they understand our commands and that they perceive everything the way we do. They don’t. This leads to what is called “behavior problems”, “disobedience”, “puppy behavior” and an ever-growing list of gimmicks and new angles on dog training which are a fast growing multimillion dollar industry. When all we need to do is cross the communication gap ourselves.
Then, we won’t have to raise our voices at, dominate or punish our best friend for not understanding us! Commands are as entrenched in the fabric of our society as behaviour problems are. The solution is not to be found “in the box”. (Obviously - or there would not be all these gimmicks and flavors-of-the-month dog training.) The proven solution is to look out of the box and stop reasoning like a human!
This is not to say that dogs do not understand words – they do. When we chat. They even eavesdrop on our conversations. But commands are not chatting. It is the raised voices, the negativity of being firm, giving orders and dominating dogs, squirting them with water that confuse them, and cause them to lose their trust in us, to retaliate (after all, he has feelings too) and/or to cry for help in the only way that they can.
But… as soon as the dog's perspective is considered, the “need” for commands, firmness, dominating, gimmicks, etc. fall away, because problems like messing and urinating in the wrong place – simply stop automatically. Because the confusion has gone.
Dogs are made for living within a social system in their pack in the wild where there is a highly developed moral code, so, because unity is strength in the wild, the desire to cooperate and live in harmony together is already built into your dog’s DNA – all you have to do is learn how to unlock this potential. You do not have to teach them – it is already there!
Included in the moral code of this social system is urinating and defecating away from where the pack lives and sleeps; away from their food and water; on an absorbent surface.
So when a dog is messing all over the place, it is unnatural. Like a bedwetting child - he is saying "help, I'm confused!" And this confusion is a direct result of the culture clash of being domesticated without their instincts being properly understood. Instead of adding to this culture clash by trying to impose more human logic onto our dogs by rubbing noses, pointing fingers, etc. - Nature’s Formula for Obedience helps dogs adjust to their lifestyles so that all this confusion automatically goes.
In order to get our dogs and ourselves out of this spiral, all we need to do is understand our dogs’ viewpoint instead of trying to make them understand ours. Which they simply do not have the wiring up system for. They just don’t get it.
So what do they get (besides verbal abuse and being squirted with water pistols?) This is what they get:
1) Dogs do not do what their leader says (they can’t speak) – they do what the does. He leads by example.
2) Which means that if we direct aggression or hostility toward our dog (which is what “being firm” and “dominating” in reality actually are – he is learning to be aggressive. (Which, when you come to think of it, explains a lot…) and even if he does not actually become aggressive – he becomes angry.
3) And he expresses his frustration and anger in various ways – taking it on our possessions; retaliating by being aggressive; using “gutter language”.
Put yourself in your dog’s place. Would you like to be spoken to “firmly” while having a finger pointed in your face; have verbal abuse directed at you (which is what “being firm” actually is - hostile); being squirted with a water pistol, or threatened with a rolled up newspaper?? (Even if you are not being physically hurt – your feelings will be hurt. Dogs have feelings just the same as we do. Would you be angry? So is your dog.
But what if you got a box of chocolates (and a bunch of roses) plus love - and actually loved the person who does these things to you, and are loved by this person who is actually abusing you? I’ll tell you. You would be even more confused!
And so is your dog.
And dogs that mess all over do so for one (or both) of two reasons:
- >they are confused;
- >they are angry;
- >they are both.
And these are 2 very good reasons to use gutter language. Our dog is not an insentient robot. He has feelings, opinions and needs. And one of those needs (which we all have) is to be understood, and to have their viewpoint considered.
Because that is what a dog that is “not potty trained” is doing – retaliating by saying “I am also p**d off with you!” when he urinates inappropriately and “You stink!” when he defecates inappropriately. Humans who love each other also have these types of conversations, so don’t be too alarmed at your dog for speaking to you like this. It does not mean that he does not love you – it means that he loves you enough to be angry with you. And like humans who work through and resolve their anger issues, Natures Formula for Obedience shows you just how to do this with your dog.
And this is the process:
- Q. Why is your dog angry with you?
A. Because you are angry with him.
- Q. And why are you angry with him?
A. Because he is disobedient!
- Q. And why is he disobedient?
A. Because he does not understand you!
Aaah – now we have the solution…. When our dogs understand us, they will not disobey us, then we will not get angry with them, then they will not be angry with us, and they will therefore not retaliate with gutter language. Or in any other way.
So as soon as our dog is understood, and correct communication (which is totally non-gimmicky, and is mainly simple and subtle nonverbals, most of which we humans use on a daily basis) replaces dominating, giving orders, punishing and bribing – then the problem automatically goes by itself. (As I said – the solution is to be found “out of the box”! Get ready for an exciting journey into your dog’s mind!)
- These techniques have never once been known to fail! Some of the dogs who have gone through our programme had been so angry with their owners that they had been “topping up” on extra water, drinking huge amounts simply so they could express their anger all the more graphically. And the very day after correct communication replaced firmness, orders, verbal abuse, etc. – the dog was immediately potty trained. Without any rubbed noses (creating yet more anger...) citronella, pepper, mustard or vinegar (creating yet more confusion…)
- The dogs simply went to their toilet naturally – away from sleeping areas, water and food on an absorbent surface. Just like a child no longer bed wets when he or she is properly understood, and the underlying cause of the problem has therefore been removed.
- Nature's way is always simple.
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