

Turning dogs truly into our Best                      Friends!



    Natural Dog Training crosses

     the communication gap bet-

          tween cano sapiens,



               bringing dogs

   into harmony with their families

       so that they no longer wish

               to be disobedient.





     It is not magic - it is logic.






Common dog problems that Nature's Formula for Obedience has all the answers to:

1. House Training - Urinating

and messing indoors (puppies

& adult Dogs)

2. Barking for (seemingly)

no reason

3. Jumping on people

4. Digging and chewing

5. Not Listening

6. Failing at dog school

7. Biting

8. Chasing cats

9. Fighting other dogs

10. Pulling on the lead

11. Running off with things

12. Escaping and running out

of the gate

13. Stealing food and possessions

14. Hyperactiveness






     All dogs want to be good...

they only need to be understood!








        Nature's way is the easy way -














































































































Dog Training the Natural Way Testimonials.


Every day we receive emails from delighted dog owners. Here are some unsolicited comments from dog owners who have experienced the exciting results that Natural Dog Training is giving dog owners around the world.

Spelling and grammar remain unchanged - all are spontaneous and straight from the heart... (Original copies are available for viewing at the offices of Natural Dog Training on request.)

"Thank you for sorting out our dogs' barking problme so quickly! I have left the front door open and there is complete peace in the house...Cleo is not scratching half as much as she normally does and hasn't dominated me at all since you came. Such a change in such a short while!!"

"We are seeing big improvements already. It is so nice to have the correct "tools" to cure our Daschunds of messing inside after we have tried so many different things - none of which work."

"2 years ago you came and gave me some good advice that completely and permanently solved the problem we were having with our dog barking and digging in our farm in Cornwall."

"I know Bruno wanted attention and he was very hyperactive so I did what I learnt [from you] and I will say, I did not have to say a word and he came to me and let me leash and walk him effortlessly. That has never happened!"


"We have observed positive behaviour. I thank you for this. It is going so well with them [Pit Bulls]. It is such a simple shift and I am so happy to see the changes. He is also barking less at dogs/people passing by the house. Overall, thi

s has been a huge improvement from yesterday."


"That kind of thorough "training" was exactly what we hoped for.Your insight into the situation and into what Alaska would understand by our body language that you taught us was truly remarkable.  It was an unusual feeling to be communicating subtly and directly with Alaska and to see all too clearly on her face that she understood what this meant!!Thank you so much for helping us!!

My dogs are a lot more peaceful/relaxed than before. My collie is much less “bothered” with my son. Haven’t seen him show teeth, circle him or looking at him intently again. He hasn’t bitten my maid again. Thanks again to Pam, Joshua and all of you that made this possible."

"Pam, I 1stly want to tell you that you do amazing work!... you must love every moment... Your book is hilarious as well as very informative."

"Not only have you solved our problems but at the same time we had so much fun doing it."

"I called you in 8 years ago for my 9 dogs. You are absolutely brilliant. No one has ever helped me with dogs as much as you have."

"I tried your method on Sunday when I went to visit a friend who has 2 very large dogs that are always jumping all over you when you walk thru the gate and it worked like a charm, they both ran right past me and went to aggravate my husband instead."

"After Pam cured dog fights: We are in heaven - we keep pinching ourselves. I will now show my vet how to get his dog off Prozac."

"Without Pam we'd all be a bunch of ignorami."



"Cali is progressing nicely on the leash.  I take her out almost daily to read the pavement Argus.  She doesnt  get all excited when we take out the leash.  She is quite sweet, she sits on her little butt for me to hook it to her collar.  She still carries it in her mouth as we walk.  She doesnt ever pull me along any more.


"She hasnt touched the garden again yet i.e. dig or chew plants.  The only things she has done is break the odd twig or two when she goes into the beds to do her business and  I can live with that. 

"She sleeps peacefully at night and hasnt messed in the house again for some time.

"Another thing that has totally amazed us is the fact that she has had a "friend" in the house for the last two days and is still completely under control.  You may remember us telling you about Gaby, the hyperactive boxer??  Our friends had to go away unexpectedly and because of the time of year, they were not able to get a house sitter or a place in the kennels.  We were put in a bit of a spot  when they asked us to have her while they were away.  Cali has been an absolute champ and her relaxed energies actually calmed Gaby down!  When Gaby tried to fight Cali stuck her nose in the air and turned her head!!   

"I am absolutely delighted with the little miss.  She is such a pleasure to have around now.  Thank you so much for helping me train her to be as charming as she is."


"You have already paid for yourself!" (One hour into the training session.)

You have paid for yourself again!" (Two hours into the session.)

"Pam, thank you so much for last nights valuable information." 

"Pam, I 1stly want to tell you that you do amazing work!... you must love every moment... Your book is hilarious as well as very informative."

"My dog is still fascinated by the rabbit that you came and cured her of chasing in my little cottage in London, but over the weeks I have noticed her reaction to him become more and more friendly. He goes up to her on a daily basis, sits and eats near her and touches noses – and she wags her tail!"

"Our guests came over for our house warming, about 20 of them, everything was perfect, they didn't jump on our guests, and they didn't even lick them."

"Last night no puddles and this morning no galloping out of the gate when I took out the rubbish - I was AMAZED - they sat and waited until I went through the gage, followed sniffed around and came straight back in - instead of rushing up the road and having tobe herded back in!!!"

"Pam really knows her subject!"  

"Thank you for your time yesterday, I am still amazed at all the new things I’ve learned you and your dog are AMAZING. When I got home they did not jump around as they normally do."

"My Mom stayed for the weekend after your visit, She participated willingly with our methods and was amazed by the results. We also had 2 friends over for supper. They also used the techniques shown to us and were eager to try it out on their staffies."

"Yesterday was a really good day. Bentley was very good, no barking and he is no longer taking our chair. There was some barking when he went outside, but for the most part he was very sweet."

"Ben, our Bull Terrier is now behaved so that our friends can come and he will sniff them, then leave them. It is unbelieveable. That jumping and running around is gone, thankyou. Yesterday evening for the first time we had a friend of mine to visit, while he lay quietly next to us. "


"Gosh... all 3 dogs are behaving like angels & Shadow has not barked once, despite the maid arriving (which is usually a whole orchestra performance) & garden service...say no more! "

"Thank you very much for coming … we never realised just how complex our dogs could be and the implications. I have been reading your book and started with the case history's which are so interesting and eye opening and I can start to understand peoples experiences."


"Four years ago you came to my house to train a very naughty little doggie. He is 16 or 17 years old. It's the small black thing that I got from the SPCA. He was such a naughty little dog, and now he is the sweetest little boy. After all these years, thankyou very much for everything you've don for me."

"Thanks a million once again - you changed our and our dogs' lives! " \\

"Pam is very professional and knows a lot about dogs. I learnt a lot from her! (My Pit Bull no longer mistakes my arms for chew toys!!)"  

"You have given me extremely valuable information."

"WOW,  What an eye opener!  Thank you for your time and patience with the 4 of us.  When you left last night we let both dogs in the house.  Arthur try his tricks again by jumping on me, but we did as you showed us and he got down nicely.  We got on with our normal stuff and they were much more relaxed."

Next day: "Lunch time was so deafeningly quiet. I really thought my ears where blocked. Not once did they go for the front door. Not once did they bark – even though neighborhood dogs where barking. I really think this is working, and we will love each other properly and understand one another properly. I really feel empowered – Lots of fun – especially because we are seeing the results which in the end will make then into happy dogs. If they are happy dogs – we will be happy again too."

"I can even leave them alone unsupervised now. Thanyou again for your help."

"I read what you sent with a lot of interest. It really resonated with me about how we need to see through their eyes. (Do you have any hints for me as a teacher of a difficult class of 7year olds too?!)"

(Report after first consultation with a very aggressive dog:) "Just to say thanks again. Monty is a different dog. He still growls on the very odd occasion at my husband, but no more biting. (I think he has growled maybe 3 or 4 times since your last visit 2months ago and I probably would have growled as well if I was him.") 

"Much calmer and accepts his place in the household.  One big happy family now resides in our home at Claremont!"

"I thought you were just going to be another spin doctor – but I am very glad you came. It makes our dogs so enjoyable for me and my wife - and its so hassle free."

"We went away for the week end and our Bullie never dug a single hole."

"You have given us back our lives, our sanity and our chairs!"

"Thank you very much for the help thus far.  The book helped a lot and things are 90% better now, the two dogs even lay next to each other on the carpet and for the first time in 6 months I could watch TV in peace – unbelievable."  

"put the dogs in the front when we went out after you left and came back – they didn’t dig one hole!"

"Thank you, thank you. I have not been nipped once today. Thanks so very much for your time and expertise yesterday.   Personally I am much more informed and equipped."

"Am now comfortably writing to you  while Flame, my Bull Terrier is sleeping at my side - ignoring all the yaps from the next door dog."

"Such a pity I did not meet you much earlier as we both have to unlearn 7 months of "training".  Am also pleased to have your book, it makes so much sense and has helped to reinforce and remind me of what you said last night ( what an exciting learning curve).

I am confident today knowing we are on the right track at last and Flame is so much calmer. She did not lunge out of the gate this morning but walked quietly behind me." 

"I saw Pam last night, and she helped me so much. Thank you, I'm doing much better today..."

"THANK YOU for all your assistance & guidance yesterday. He is already a changed dog…. First time since we had him that we had a quiet night. This morning when we opened the door he went outside by himself (no jumping or barking) We also watched your DVD and I am enjoying the book a lot."

 'Thankyou for coming to help us, so that we all can live together. Last night, Monty didn’t attack me as he does when my husband comes home, he growled and barked, then he left me and went to go lay down. Definite improvement."

"He also only went out about twice to go bark and was much calmer – not jumping up and barking at every little noise. He was also not tripping me up every where I walked, like he used to and getting under my feet!!"'

"After you left, our visitors arrived and our Boerboel went straight to his bed. He stayed there all through supper (he usually hassles us endlessly at the supper table) and only got up once later to check everyone out again, but again we ignored him and he returned to his bed. Our visitors say they have never seen him so calm."

"Thanks again for the session yesterday. It seemed to have a real effect on Sirius. Last night after you'd left he was alot calmer and alot less mischievous than usual. I could straighten out me cupboards without him grabbing any of my belongings. He did in fact take an object but as soon as i did what you said he left it and went to someone else in the house with the same effect.

"So, there's definitely a difference there..."

"I honestly think that you are fantastic, Pam. Integration [between aggressive dog and cats] successful."

"Thanks Pam for an interesting evening! So far so good! Usher has walked much better on the lead: no tripping up, no pulling back (or forwards) minimal barking at labourers. He has not weed indoors at all today I do feel we are making headway... let's see what tomorrow brings! Whole family are co-operating fabulously! Thanks so much! "

"I left for work without barking ringing in my ears and a smile on my face.  Amazing."  Many thanks again.

"Just an update on how we doing? I'm def feel less tension in the house and am more relaxed "

"left the dogs in the front garden after you left, and when I got back – no digging! And they did not jump on us or bark at us the way they usually do."

"Thank you so much for your help yesterday with Chloë and Toby. We had to go out after you left and when we got back we just walked strait on to the door they did not jump up on us they just walked with us. Usually at night they are very hyperactive but last night nothing.

"In the mornings they usually jump all over us after they have been fed. This morning nothing. Jason pulled the car out this morning the usually story they will run for the gate. He said this morning the gate was wide open and they just sat there did not even make a move."

"They know something is up but they just can't put their finger on it. Last night we had a coupthey walked in there was no jumping on them and not once did the two of them set foot in the lounge like they normally do to lick the people or jump up on them when they are sitting."

"I called you in 10 years ago with my Boerboel – she never gave us a day’s hassle after you spent jule over st one afternoon with her!"

"I haven't written to you in a while and my dogs are much much better (the barking has definately calmed down) "

[The day after Dog Training Nature’s Way to cure his dogs' barking problem (after his neighbours had been complaining about his dogs]: “All the dogs in the neighbourhood were barking to-day except mine! I feel so proud!"

"Pam has tremendous insight into both humans and dogs." [Emailed to office staff the day after a Home Training sesion.]

[One hour into session]: “You have already paid for yourself!” [Another hour later]: “You have paid for yourself again!”

"Pam is very professional and knows a lot about dogs and I learnt a lot from her."  

"Oliver is doing fine, so now we have hope! Thanks again to Pam, Joshua and all of you that made this possible."

"Just want to give you some feedback on Mika. She is becoming sweeter and sweeter with each passing day and has become a real treasure. She has turned from insolence to wanting to please us. Such a joy! She has also made space for the cat in her life (on her bed too)!!!"

"Misha turned into an angel… stopped peeing and pooing inside, stopped being so demanding."

"The dogs are really more or less unrecognisable. Most importantly, people can enter the room or the house without starting a cacophony of barking. Thanks for you very good advice." UK

"I'm not sure where to start..... well its day two and i don't know who feels stranger, me not screaming all day or Layla not being screamed at all day?? Its weird but amazing! All day yesterday was just calm silence.  

This morning when i opened the baby gate and walked down the stairs she started jumping as usual but then quickly stopped.   Shock and horror.  Ive now opened the baby gate and let her come upstairs without me freaking out.  She's calmly coming up and down and hasnt weed on a rug...."

"Normally if i sit on the couch she launches herself onto the back section and runs up and down.  Today was bizarre.  She walked around the couch and jumped up next to me.  I calmly picked her uP, and put her on her blanket on the floor.  She stayed there!!!!!! She really is very calm."

"I wanted to send you another report with Alaska and our char lady.  Alaska just walked around quietly and without her usual panic.  I left for work without barking ringing in my ears and a smile on my face.  Amazing.  Many thanks again."

"Its too strange for words not having constant hysteria in the house but Im loving it!!"




You must be thinking... "Wow! This is great!!"  And you're perfectly correct! An understood dog is a happy dog! And an understood owner is a happy owner...


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Does your dog bite, bark, dig, disobey, fight or freak you out! Dogs Trained at Home!
Dog Obedience Training - Pet Psychologist - Dog behavior problems
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