Contact Pam Whyte
To send an email to Pam, you can email her at:
- or you can fill in the form below.
All emails are responded to, so if you do not hear from Pam within 48 hours at the most, please :
a) check in your Outlook's Junk Folder;
b) resend your email, because we do not receive emails that are sent when servers are down (a problem that we have no control over);
c) phone Pam - she will be very happy to assist you.
Cell: |
(27) - 083-485-5369 |
e-mail: |
All emails are responded to, so if you do not hear from Pam within 48 hours at the most, please:
a) check in your Outlook's Junk Folder;
b) resend your email because it means that we have not received it due to temporary server problems;
c) phone Pam - she will be very happy to assist you.
Pam trains all ages, and all breeds of dogs Nature's Way -
World Wide.
All dogs want to be good - they only need to be understood!
There is NO such thing as a naughty dog - only a confused dog !