Dog Training Nature's Way Home Kit Testimonials

Every day we receive grateful testimonials. Here are some comments from dog owners who have experienced the exciting results that this new insight into dog behavior gives them. (Spelling and grammar unchanged.) Original copies are available for viewing at the offices of Natural Dog Training on request.


"You have brought the joy and the amusement back into dog owning!!"Australia


"I cant believe how much we were doing wrong! The difference in our dogs is amazing!! And their humans are so much happier!" USA

"Thank you, thank you for this information!!! what an eye opener. I finished reading this in one setting....just what I needed. And my doggies:) Just one day...and already seeing an improvement.Thank you so much...USA Dog Trainer

“i cannot believe what i have learned with this kit. This is the best advice I have ever received on dogs. ” USA.


This training is really like a revolution – I am really spreading the word and I have given your contact details to some many people!! It is wonderful. Canada


"one thing I like a lot about your program is that you give a dog back their freedom – you know, just to be a dog –" Australia


"Your Natural programme cuts to the point, and works very quickly. I showd your DVD to one of my collegues and he said he cannot believe what he has been missing." Game Ranger RSA


“I got my dvd on Friday, then after work went home and watched. To-day I opened the gate, parked my car inside.  My girlfriend came walking up to greet me and whooooosseee!!!  there goes Pumba, out of the gate, straight to the dam.  Took a look at him, then told my girlfriend what we do now... hahaha, 30seconds later he was back in the yard.” RSA  


"I really appreciate your helping me to under stand my dog better ,so that my family , me and him have more better understanding and living. I have learnt a lot about my dog,s sensitivities and how to make him cordiall with myself and my family. really appreciate the tips you give me in a more simpler way." India


"I feel like I have a great dog friend across the international waters. I am really blessed that you take the time to speak with me... thankyou for all the help that you have given me and my dog." USA


"So glad I have "met" you to set us on the right road." USA


"Thank you for providing us with this unique view of dog behaviour." Canada


"You have given us back our lives our and our chairs." RSAK


"I am enjoying your writing and content!" USA


"I really appreciate her time (and grateful for the free 2 hours!) and hope this is the start of a long relationship-she needs to help me with the kids next :-)"  UK



"I am seeing the birth of the true personalities. it is going to be amazing to

 read and observe - fascinating ..." France

“Give my best to Pam for introducing me to my dog, as I and my wife get educated my dog will understand us better. My dog certainly is going to discover I have intelligence too. “ Namibia


"Everyone is so much calmer!" USA


"You have given us back our lives our and our chairs." UK


"Hi Pam..I just had to take a moment and write to tell you little Willy is doing soooooo much better!...your teaching has been a life saver for me..and I sure do thank you for your help and patience..we haven't had a dog fight in over a month!..and he seems to be settling into his position as Toby being the A dog..and I tell them both that I'm the Alpha Dog even have a t-shirt that says Alpha Dog on it.. (but thats for humans to read.)" USA


"She's calmly coming up and downstairs and hasnt weed on a rug yet....  Normally if i sit on the couch she launches herself onto the back section and runs up and down.  Today was bizarre.  She walked around the couch and jumped up next to me.  I calmly picked her up, and put her on her blanket on the floor.  She stayed there!!!!!!"  RSA


"THANK YOU!!! Did receive the recipes as well as the FEEDING FOR TEMPERAMENT. They were wonderful to read and I have learned so much - also made a copy, put it in a file and gave it to people with puppies for something to read that will save them money and make it safe for their garden /plants and for their children to play without being jumped on." RSA


"Thankyou for all the lovely reading goodies!" - Canada


"Thanks so much for your help, Pam. You are a real star in this household!!!" Wales


“Have read all the files you sent and most of the book - best of all it is so funny!!!” RSA


Please let Pam know that   even with  a little glimpse at her books so far, we are gaining great  grounds.>  Australia


"We're still working through your very valuable info - I feel so priviledged to have access to this new information.UK


The new leads and collars are fantastic , well done for inventing such helpful tools.Canada


"Thanks Pam for everything, to you and Paul, for the support and the wealth of information It's so peaceful in the garden now, we go out as we wish and Billy is not barking raucously at the fence, she is not chewing the hose...I can water without her moving the sprayer all over the lawn! RSA


 Dear Pam thank you so much for keeping in contact. We can see differences already and its great still we have to remember to change our set ways but we are much better for the knowledge we now have at hand. The session was awesome and surprising. Very informative and of great help." RSA


"I just wanted to say thank you for being there to help the animals and their humans."  RSA


"...and I'm also sure that others feel as grateful as I do that you're doing what you are and that you are so enthusiastic, practical, and straight forward about it all." Wales


"Thank you for the eBook on barking - I received it an hour ago.... my dogs are now lying quietly at my side! Bliss!! THANK YOU PAM!!!! (SMS) RSA


"Its too strange for words not having constant hysteria in the house but Im loving it!!!" RSA


"I thank you for the new peace!" France


"I know the bread quite well since Pam visited me in 1989 or 1990 at my house and I have wonderfull results with my animals (pit bulls) ever since. They were well behaved and well adjusted after the session with Pam. I am working in Seattle . My wife is being the leader of the pack without having to raise her voice. " - USA


"I have recieved information to-day... The more I read the more I learn... I was a general [in the army] I used to think that my wife was the problem because she did not ever disipline the dogs enough. Learn something new [from Dog Training Nature's Way] every day.." Canada


"Could you pass on thanks to Pam for her great book. A HUGE improvement in Nola since starting to implement her methods." UK


"A couple of days after receiving the ebooks: "You have already more than paid for yourself!!" RSA


"This is no secret that I’m still impress with my doggies – which I had the opportunity to raise my doggies according to your  program" India


"Hope all is well with you all - things are very calm here and things seem to be working - i don't know how to thank you for your input. France


It is now a week and I  just wanted to inform you as to our dog’s behavior. They have not fought at all. USA


I am now becoming more aware of what is going on in those canine heads. Australia


"I am seeing the birth of the true personalities. it is going to be amazing to read and  observe - fascinating ..." France


"...and I'm also sure that others feel as grateful as I do that you're doing what you are and that you are so enthusiastic, practical, and straight forward about it all." U.K




"...and he no longer pees in the house, something that I am eternally grateful for". RSA


"She is more relaxed. Seems she is enjoying to not be the pack leader anymore. She also reduced/stopped barking at people passing our gate. So, I think these are the first results. Thank you!" France


"..and I thank you so much for your wonderful site...and your wonderful insight to the canine world...I need it!....thanks again ..." USA


"This is no secret that I’m still impress with my doggies – which I had the opportunity to raise my doggies according to your  program"  India


"Our Boerboel has stopped harrassing our neighbours -- in fact this morning the gardener came to cut the back lawn for our neighbour (usually creates pandemonium with our dogs) and today they totally ignored her." Canada


"I spent most of my weekend watching the video and applying the techniques.  It is amazing how soon my two (lovable) brats changed into lovable family members.  Thanks again for everything." RSA


"I tried your method on Sunday when I went to visit a friend who has  very large dogs that are always jumping all over you when you walk thu the gate and it worked like a charm. They both ran right past me and went to aggravate my husband instead." RSA


"Thanks for all your support! It's very comforting to have you there, especially with the answers! I quite surprised myself last night by not becoming stressed by the dogs' actions, as I have certainly done in times past. I think knowing what to expect is the secret to lessening anxiety. And as a result of that, the atmosphere for all of us is comfortable." UK

"Hi Pam..I just had to take a moment and write to tell you little Willy is doing soooooo much better!...your teaching has been a life saver for me..and I sure do thank you for your help and patience..we haven't had a dog fight in over a month!..and he seems to be settling into his position as Toby being the A dog..and I tell them both that I'm the Alpha Dog even have a t-shirt that says Alpha Dog on it.. (but thats for humans to read.)" USA

"Kudos to you for the Great Work!" USA


"I have what dog owners think they want. You have what they want. Dog Trainer, Israel.


"When I fed the dogs this morning – all but Tex walked out the house door behind me – but when I crossed into the area where I feed them – they stepped back (Zack literally took steps back) and waited for me to go in first. Isn't that exciting?" RSA


"Pam is amazing." UK.


"Thanks for all your support! It's very comforting to have you there, especially with the answers! I quite surprised myself last night by not becoming stressed by the dogs' actions, as I have certainly done in times past. I think knowing what to do is the secret to lessening anxiety. And as a result of that, the atmosphere for all of us is comfortable." UK

"Received my pack yesterday.  I watched the dvd last night and now reading my book.  Wow!  It is all so brilliant."



"I can honestly say I have the most chilled contented dogs in the street!" {A couple of years after training his dogs Nature's Way." Australia




"This has been a fantastic eye opener." UK


“Thank you so much for your prompt and personal response.  I feel a great sense of relief and am very excited about earning Natural Dog Training.  Before I found your site, I had to scroll through countless entries about pharmacological and other dreadful approaches to our problem, which didn't apppeal or make sense to me at all.  By the time I found you, I was so exhausted and discouraged that I didn't even read anything.  I just responded to your kind face and the directness of being able to contact you.  Now I've devoured every item on your site and can't wait to get started.”  USA


"I am so excited about my "new" dogs." Australia

"Our Boerboel (that was attacking people) has stopped harrassing our neighbours -- in fact this morning the gardener came to cut the back lawn for our neighbour (usually creates pandemonium with our dogs) and today they totally ignored him." Canada.


"Pam is prompt in attending to us. greetings." RSA


"This is no secret that I’m still impressed with my doggies – and that I had the opportunity to raise my Pit Bulls according to your  program." RSA



“THANK YOU!!! Thank you for responding to me [about my dogs who

were killing each other] today! There are so many different opinions

out in the world! I am greatly intrigued and encouraged.”


“One week later – here is a photo of them [lying together] - “two peas in a pod” now.” USA


"I know the bread ["breed", I think he meant] quite well since Pam visited me in 1989 or 1990 at my house and I have wonderfull results with my animals (pitbulls) ever since. They were well behaved and well adjusted after the session with Pam. I am working in Seattle . My wife is being the leader of the pack without having to raise her voice." USA

"I'm now on the chapter on body language and learning oodles!!!" USA.

“I really appreciate your helping me to under stand my dog better ,so that my family , me and him have more better understanding and living. I have learnt a lot about my dog,s sensivities and how to make him cordiall with myself and my family. really appreciate the tips you give me in a more simpler way.” India


“It has been almost a month that we've been on your program. We have a wonderful, relaxed dog that is a pleasure to have. Thank you for your tips, it works great with the children too. “ Australia


"They [the owners of the starving puppies] were positive and said that they would love to read the contents of the little file.   My husband saw the doggies with a follow up visit with other family.   According to my husband the 2 puppies are looking much better.   Their condition seemed to be improved - they looked much healthier and as far as we can understand, they definitely took notice of it.   It seems that our intervention was not in vain.  Pam, I appreciate everything so much.   THANK YOU." RSA


"Pam is totally amazing and I am already spreading the word among my dog owning friends! I think you." RSA


"Once again, thank you for your time (and your existence)" USA.


"I am becoming a diligent student of yours and am applying your counsel and advice to other areas of my life as well." UK 


"Pam is totally amazing and I am already spreading the word among my dog owning friends!" RSA


"Besides your book and videos, you have been a tremendous support. Before I encountered your natural dog training method I was fully prepared to go the conventional path - obedience classes, puppy socialization classes, agility training, the works. I have been spared 10 or more years of anguish as well as thousands of rands." RSA

"Everyone is much calmer and so much nicer.  Can't believe how much wrong we have done over all the years.  So glad I have "met" you to set us on the right road." USA


"Both of them are much calmer going through the back door and not bumping into either me or Sheila and they are calming down much faster and sleeping after their sniffles." Australia


"I am now becoming more aware of what is going on in those canine heads." Australia


"The most exciting part has been that since last Fri Shiloh, our Pit Bull has not messed in the house." RSA


"It is really, really going so much better. We are all much calmer and easier to live with." RSA


"i wish i'd of known about your training before i started in the animal field..." Veterinary technician, Poland


"..and I thank you so much for your wonderful site...and your wonderful insight to the canine world...I need it!....thanks again ..." USA


"This is no secret that I’m still impress with my doggies – which I had the opportunity to raise my doggies according to your  program"  India


"Our Boerboel has stopped harrassing our neighbours -- in fact this morning the gardener came to cut the back lawn for our neighbour (usually creates pandemonium with our dogs) and today they totally ignored her." Canada

"I spent most of my weekend watching the video and applying the techniques.  It is amazing how soon my two (lovable) brats changed into lovable family members.  Thanks again for everything." RSA

"i cannot believe what i have learned with this kit!" USA


"all other training books would say call them back in or throw tin cans or shoot them with water [when they bark incessantly]. basically natural dog training treats the causes and not the symptoms, i am very impressed." USA.


"Good morning" [reporting back on their dog that had been depressed] "Thank you for the response.  I feel so much better knowing that I have found assistance and support. Firstly I have great news, Murray gave a bark yesterday! My neighbors gardener started mowing their lawn and he gave a bark at the noise, nothing spectacular, but I do believe it's a start.  He also slept very well last night, he sleeps in our room, and he was very peaceful as opposed to other nights where he was awake a lot, shaking his ears and sitting up."  RSA


"Ek het die pakkie laasweek ontvang.Baie dankie, dit is uitstekend!!!" ["I got the package last week. Thankyou very much - it is outstanding!!!"] RSA


"Persia is calmer when walking through the back door – she used to bounce around· and push on me but in the last week she hasn’t done that at all. She does run out the back door like a rocket anymore, and Rox calmly walks out – big difference in dogs." Australia


"My dogs are a lot more peaceful/relaxed than before." RSA


"My collie is less “bothered” with my son. Haven’t seen him show teeth, circle him or looking at him intently. He is aalso following our maid and ‘trying’ to get in her way less. He hasn’t bitten her again." RSA


"When we got back into the complex, a friend drove in behind us and stopped to chat to me.  Both dogs then stood calmly next to me instead of their usual barking at anyone who comes near me!  It was a revelation! RSA


"We had tea on the verandah It was very quiet and peaceful for the first time for a long time." RSA


"We realise we haven't had this much peace for about a year.This may only be the beginning, but what a good beginning..." RSA


"When we got back into the complex, a friend drove in behind us and stopped to chat to me. Both dogs then stood calmly next to me instead of their usual barking at anyone who comes near me! It was a revelation!" RSA


"Thank you again for so generously sharing your knowledge and expertise." UK


"The evening passed without a peep from anyone. This morning when I went into the kitchen, where Billy sleeps, she did not jump on me. I fed them again, then opened the gate between front and back so they could be together if they wanted to. Absolute quiet prevailed. No fight took place! Soon Billy went to the front as well and soon Billy had a bone again. No fight ensued." RSA


"I have been doing well with your natural training, and can't believe the difference. Its so much better to walk my dogs now." WalesRSA Wl


My wife and I found it extremely interesting  spending time with you on Sunday. Cleo is barking less, and not nipping visitors as they go out the gate any more. UK



Thanks Pam,  I read the first half of the book last night - it's so interesting, and so easy to read!  And it just makes sense.  I started last night, and already she was a much calmer dog. Australia



"I like your stamps." UK


They have calmed down with fighting over the food when my wife feeds them, and initially they would fight over the hooves, but that has all calmed down now." Spain


Just a quick update with my Bulldog. Things are going great. We have come to a good understanding! I have noticed though, that he doesn't smell as much as before! He's also not slobbering as much either! He has barked at night once or twice but at least it's not every night like before! China


"I received your book this morning and am already enjoying it very much." USA


"Weekly report: Hi Pam, Thought I Thank you for the book, I received it this morninwould mail you a progress report with out dogs. Our guests came over for our house warming, about 20 of them, and everything was perfect, they didn't jump on our guests, they didn't lick or rub themselves against the guests." RSA



"I was frustrated and dispaired. When I go out for a walk she is pulling on the leash is very hectically and barking on other dogs and sometimes children/People. In such a moment I am just helpless, she ignores me whatever I am doing. I really love these dog but I realize that I am getting more and more frustrated."


"I wanted to give you a report now after doing Natural Dog Training. Today my dog behaves very good! She didnŽt nip at our friends coming to our house, she didnŽt even bark at them" !RSA


> "Thank you very much for the most informative article." USA


You must be thinking... "Wow! This is Great!!" And you're perfectly correct! An understood dog is a happy dog! And an understood owner is a happy owner...  

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