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Bringing dogs into harmony with their









Video Testimonials

(Spelling and grammar unchanged)

Animal Talk has this to say about The Dogs Must be Crazy: "In this informative and entertaining video, dog psychologist Pam Whyte explains how to get a deeper insight into your dog's mind and instincts so that your pet becomes your friend and companion..and tells you what they have to say about us!"

And Essentials says: The Dogs Must be Crazy is well-known "pet shrink" Pam Whyte's third video, aimed at fostering a mutually rewarding relationship between dog and owner. The video features footage of actual house calls of owners of dogs with a variety of behavioural problems, and Pam shows how, by better understanding canine communication, owners can turn doggie delinquents into placid, contented companions, without raising either your voice or your hand.

General comments : "It is remarkable what you achieve with the animals in the videos." - RSA

If I hadn't seen how Pam did it, I would have thought the videos were faked. - Dog trainer

"After watching your video, my friends all think I am a dog psychologist!"

“I spent most of my weekend watching your video and applying the techniques. It is amazing how soon my two (lovable) brats changed into lovable family members.”


"I watched your DVD - Before and After Learning Dog Language and ordered the other two DVD's as well. Wow, it is so informative I showed my entire family."


"My husband, daughter and I have watched the video three times already and each time I pick up something different and new." Canada.


"I have gone through your videos and ebooks and it is quite astonishing.  Makes so much sense if you really think about it." RSA

"I thorougly enjoyed your DVD and have watched it quite a few times. I tried your method on Sunday when I went to visit a friend who has  very large dogs that are always jumping all over you when you walk thu the gate and it worked like a charm. They both ran right past me and went to aggravate my husband instead." RSA



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Dog Obedience Training - Pet Psychologist - Dog behavior problems
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